Posted by: oatsandchocolate | January 20, 2010

peanut butter & randomness

HAPPY WEDNESDAY! i love wednesdays because they are short days at school which means we get out at 2:15 instead of 3:10. score! as you can tell by the title i have been eating peanut butter lately… alot


whipped banana spirutien oats with sunflower seeds, cranberries, peanut butter, and honey granola clusters. YUM.

dont you love it when the peanut butter melts all over the blanket of warm oats?

i went to starbucks today and on the way back i found persimmonns! i love them, they are so delicious frozen! ive also made persimmon cookies, and i have no idea what else they could be good for πŸ˜›

fage greek yogurt with jelly, peanut butter, crushed organic rice poppers, and craisins!

random website —

i love this kid! he was the kid who was gay on a tv show a few years ago, but i dont even remember anymore- he is so cute & definitely made me smile.

β€œIt’s all make believe, isn’t it?” – Marilyn Monroe

that picture was of a shell i found in Jamaica a year ago and it always seems to amaze me every time i pick it up πŸ™‚ have a beautiful wednesday!




  1. Happy wednesday to you too πŸ™‚

    Glad it’s been a nice day. Lovely shell – can you hear the sea if you press it against your ear? πŸ˜‰

    You will be horrified to know that I have never tried peanut butter…something that I will have to rectify but the sounds of it!

    Sarah x

  2. you are so full of life — its amazing. Your oats look so good!

  3. hello my lil honey bee πŸ˜‰
    yummmmmmm those pb oats look so good zomg! all the pb! i want me some pb now ;- P hehe

    that website was so cool, i was very amused by it, he is so funny the little gay guy πŸ˜‰

    persimmons frozen=amazingggg had one today πŸ™‚

    love u more thn u love PB πŸ˜‰


  4. haha love that site, so so frickin funnyy!! love you cutie, and ahh persimmons frozen are the best, had one with my snack today! love it πŸ˜‰ and persimmon cookies,whhaatt?!!! sounds amazing! πŸ™‚ and your oats look ridic goooood (:
    love you and your pb randomness!


  5. hooray for short days and pb! 2 of the best things in life πŸ™‚ nice find with the persimmons..they’re getting scarce around here bc the season is wrapping up! sad!

  6. Oh, Sophie!
    I love, love, love your liveliness and your bright spirit. You never cease to make me smile and bring a little bit of spark to my day.

    Your breakfast looks absolutely divine… Would you like to come to my house and cook my food for me? πŸ˜‰

    You always seem to amaze me, every time I read your words.
    Have a beautiful Wednesday too, Sophie!

    Eleanor x

  7. I love, love, love nut butters πŸ™‚ They make me look forward to my oats even more, if that’s possible.

    Great to see you in a good mood, hun πŸ™‚ Have an awesome Wednesday!

  8. you’re so cute, your happiness is infectious! Love the look of your yog mess and yes pb is amazing, need to get back eating it, i’ve been neglecting my nut butter jars and so neglecting me recently 😦
    Inspo indeed girly.
    Love xoxo

  9. mm i haven’t had oats in forever..i’m truly jealous of how delicious yours look πŸ™‚

  10. hey love!
    you are so adorable πŸ™‚ i just adore you!!
    lovin me some nut butter these days! glad we have that in common πŸ™‚

  11. glad to hear you a had a shorter school day than usual, a little break is sometimes all we need to make the day a better on πŸ˜‰

  12. I eat peanut butter like its my job! Glad you’re enjoying it lately πŸ™‚

  13. oats<345

  14. PB is the best–try PB&co flavors! recent obsession of mine :] and boooo i never got out at 2:15 when I went to ASL! Or as far as I can remember hahaha. Awesome playgrounds though πŸ˜›

  15. Hi!
    I wish I liked persimmons but I don’t. 😦 Which is really weird for me because I LOVE almost all fruit. There’s just something about persimmons though that doesn’t appeal to me. Perhaps I need to try persimmon cookies? πŸ˜‰

  16. I agree. you ARE incredibly full of life ❀
    You uplift my spirits when i read your blog!

    PB on anything is sexy. and tastey.

    and that shell is wondrous ❀ STUNNING

  17. Hey! Thanks for your comment! I sure did kick EDs booty.. the tacos were good! Haha. Your eats look delicious! Best wishes to you

  18. Heh.. you are too cute πŸ™‚ I too love PB more than almost anything πŸ˜›

    You are positively positive!

  19. PEANUT BUTTER!! STARBUCKS!! Well, that’s just great πŸ˜€

    Thanks for the comment πŸ™‚ Have a suppperrrrrrrr THURSDAY TOO!

  20. Hey cutie!!
    I had my first PB venture today and thought I’d share bc of your post today! Pb&Co dark chocolate dreams, so yumm! Have a wonderful day sweetie! You are truly so so lovely ❀
    All my love,

  21. Your oats look so incredibly yummy. I must admit that I have never tried oats with anything other than soymilk mixed into it…. I know, blasphemy right? But this is a problem which needs to be fixed asap. Do you have any recommendations? Your pics all looks so yummy and I’m definitely open to suggestions. πŸ˜‰
    Sleeping in is always a good thing! But I find myself waking up at the usual time anyways out of habit. πŸ™‚


  22. Haha, you have a lot of random ramblings, but you’re just so cute!
    Ohmigosh, frozen persimmons are so good, but have you tried the hibayachi ones? those are the soft ones and they are JUST like natures soft serve!

  23. Wow your breakfast looks delish!!! Never had a permission before! Will have to try one!

    Im a new reader, love the blog! xo

  24. I love your shell. Your breakfast looks delish. I eat alot of peanut butter too.

  25. Yum!!


  26. U can never have enough pb!

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